Corporate Mentorship

What is Corporate Mentorship?

The FES Corporate Mentorship program is yet another fascinating avenue to engage and interact with students and trainees that may become potential employees for an organization. The mentorship program also elevates the marketing of relatively obscure job roles/positions that any corporate may find strenuous for hiring.

Corporate Mentorships (CMs) also offer to acclimate the organization’s culture, accelerate the recruiting process, and build networking opportunities.

The Synergy: Mentor-Mentee Engagement


  • Improved career readiness through personal guidance, life time access to training materials, reviews and assessments
  • Access to valuable industry-specific connections and networking opportunities through the mentor
  • Pathway to securing employment after completion of Mentorship program
  • Understand your strengths and weaknesses through structured assignments in live sessions
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  • Access to high potential qualified and trained candidates which can expedite the turn-around-time in fulfilling your hiring requirements
  • Brand Promotion – Promotion of your company’s values and opportunity to become the Employer of choice by showing your employment value proposition
  • Engagement with ready to deploy candidates with new and different perspectives
  • Community Involvement – Invest in the education and development of future professionals and win the war for talent

Why Focus EduSolutions?

Our Mission

To empower students and professionals to reach their full potential by providing them access to experienced Mentors with real-world experience, who can guide, support, and inspire them on their educational and professional journey. Let’s join hands to translate this mission into reality!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill

The Process

Focus EduSolutions will check in between each step of the process to ensure a smooth transition between each step.

Process Flow

The Importance of Corporate Mentorships

Employee Satisfaction
Over 65% of employees who mentor are satisfied with their ability to deliver
Greater than 61% of mentees are employed by the same company
Job Satisfaction
Over 91% of mentored employees are satisfied with their jobs
More than 66% of millennials who stay for more then 5 years have a mentor
Over 50% have a higher retention rate
Pay it Forward
Around 90% of mentored individuals go to mentor others, fostering a culture of education and mentorship


What are the benefits of participating in this program?

You will benefit from gaining valuable insights and guidance from experienced mentors, expanding your network and achieving personal and professional growth.

Will the personal and professional information I share through the Mentoring Program be kept confidential?


How will I communicate with my mentor? Will we need to meet face-to-face?

Mentor–Mentee discussion will be over a 1:1 live video call lasting anytime between 45 min to 1 hour per session.

As a Mentor, how many hours am I expected to spend communicating with my Mentee during the one-month partnership?

It can vary depending on the specific program design and the preferences of mentor–mentee pair. Generally, an hour per session.

What happens after the end of the Mentorship program? Can I continue my mentorship relationship?

FES is not responsible for any possibilities outside the committed duration of the CM program; however, we encourage mentor–mentee relationships to continue with mutual agreement and the interest of both parties.

What’s in this for me, as a mentor?

It can help Mentors develop and refine their coaching skills, leadership skills, and expand their professional network.

What is the role of a mentee in the program?

Mentees’ role is to actively engage with their mentor, ask questions, seek guidance, and apply the insights and feedback received to develop professionally.

What is the role of a mentor in the program?

Mentor’s role is to provide guidance, advice and support to the mentee by setting goals and tracking their performance.

Want to Become a Mentor or Mentee?